{ectoderm}{}{Outermost primary germ layer.} {effector}{}{Muscle or gland that responds to stimulation.} {efferent [motor] division}{}{Nerve fibers that send impulses from the central nervous system to the periphery.} {efferent arteriole}{}{Vessel that conducts blood away from the glomerulus of a kidney nephron.} {ejaculation}{}{Discharge of semen containing sperm cells from male urethra.} {elastic fiber}{}{Yellow protein fibers in connective tissue.} {elasticity}{}{The ability to stretch and return to the original shape.} {electron sharing}{}{Forming a covalent bond between two atoms.} {electron transferring}{}{Forming an ionic bond between two atoms.} {electron transport system}{}{Series of electron carriers in the inner mitochondrial membrane; they receive electrons from NADH and FADH; using the electrons in the formation of ATP and water.} {electron}{}{Negatively charged subatomic particle in an atom.} {element}{}{Substance composed of atoms of only one kind.} {elevation}{}{Movement of a structure in a superior direction.} {embryo}{}{Prenatal stage of development after germ layers form but before rudiments of all organs are present.} {endergonic reaction}{}{A chemical reaction in which the end-products have more energy than the reactants did.} {endochondral bone}{}{Bone that begins as hyaline cartilage and is replaced by bone tissue.} {endochondral ossification}{}{Formation of bone through calcification of hyaline cartilage.} {endocrine gland}{}{Ductless gland that secretes a hormone internally, usually into the circulation.} {endocytosis}{}{Bulk uptake of material through the cell membrane.} {endoderm}{}{Innermost primary germ layer.} {endomysium}{}{Fine connective tissue sheath surrounding a muscle fiber.} {endoplasmic reticulum}{}{Double-walled membranous network inside the cytoplasm; rough has ribosomes attached to the surface; smooth does not have ribosomes attached.} {endosteum}{}{Membranous lining of the medullary cavity and the cavities of spongy bone.} {energy}{}{Ability to cause something to move and thus do work.} {enzyme}{}{Protein that acts as a catalyst.} {epidermis}{}{Outer portion of the skin formed of epithelial tissue that rests on or covers the dermis.} {epididymis}{}{Highly coiled tubule that leads from the seminiferous tubules of the testis to the vas deferens.} {epiglottis}{}{Flaplike, cartilaginous structure at back of tongue near entrance to trachea.} {epimysium}{}{Fibrous envelope surrounding a skeletal muscle.} {epiphyseal plate}{}{Site at which bone growth in length occurs; located between the epiphysis and diaphysis of a long bone; area of hyaline cartilage where cartilage growth is followed by endochondral ossification; also called the metaphysis or growth plate.} {epiphysis [epiphyses]}{}{Portion of a bone developed from a secondary ossification center and separated from the remainder of the bone by the epiphyseal plate.} {epithalamus}{}{Portion of the diencephalon composed of the pineal body and the Habenular nucleus.} {epithelial tissue}{}{One of the four primary tissue types. The term derives from the Greek word meaning "nipples." This refers to the tiny capillary-containing connective tissue in the lips, which is where the term was first used. The use of the term was later expanded to include all covering and lining surfaces of the body.} {erectile tissue}{}{Columns of spongy tissue in the penis [male] and the clitoris [female] that engorge with blood in response to sexual stimulation.} {esophageal hiatus}{}{Opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes.} {esophagus}{}{Tubular portion of digestive tract that leads from pharynx to stomach.} {estrogen}{}{Hormone that stimulates development of female secondary sex characteristics.} {eversion}{}{Turning outward.} {excitability}{}{Responsiveness to stimulation and regulation by nervous impulses and hormones.} {excitatory neuron}{}{Neurons that release neurotransmitter substances that cause EPSPs.} {excitatory postsynaptic potential [EPSP]}{}{Depolarization in the postsynaptic membrane that brings the membrane potential close to threshold.} {excretion}{}{Elimination of metabolic wastes.} {exergonic reaction}{}{A chemical reaction in which the reactants have higher energy than the end-products.} {exocrine gland}{}{Gland that secretes to a surface or outward through a duct.} {exocytosis}{}{Elimination of material from a cell through the formation of vacuoles.} {expiration}{}{Expulsion of air from lungs.} {extensibility}{}{The ability to be stretched from the normal resting length.} {extension}{}{To stretch out.} {extracellular fluid}{}{Fluid outside the cell.}